Most Australian Seniors Choose Home Care over Nursing Homes

By Darren Moffatt

December 16, 2022


Ageing at home ‘in place’ is an attractive option for many Australian seniors. 

At least 93% of elderly homeowners would prefer to remain in home ownership according to 2020 research findings published by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in 2020.

Majority of the respondents (90%) also said they wish to age in place or to remain in their present home rather than moving into specialised care or moving at all. 

As we age, we begin to experience a number of physical challenges such as increased risk of falls, decreased strength and mobility, and the development of chronic conditions.

Additionally, seniors may experience mental health challenges such as memory loss, difficulty making decisions, and an increased risk of depression and anxiety.  

That’s why some families encourage their senior members to move into a nursing home or assisted living facility. 

But while these places can offer a more comfortable and safer environment for retirees, they also come with big downsides such as less independence and financial constraints. 

Home care, or ‘in-home care’ during retirement is a better option for many seniors because of the following benefits: 

1. Maintain independence 

Staying at home during retirement can give seniors a sense of freedom because it allows them to maintain their independence and continue living in a familiar and comfortable environment. 

Ageing at home can provide seniors with the opportunity to continue pursuing their interests and hobbies, and to maintain relationships with friends and family members. It can also allow seniors to receive care and support from people they know and trust, rather than from unfamiliar caregivers in a care facility. 

Overall, ageing at home can provide seniors with the freedom to continue living their lives on their own terms.

2. Personalised care at home 

Personalised care is important for the elderly because it allows them to receive care and support that is tailored to their specific needs and preferences. 

As people age, their physical and mental abilities can change, and they may require different levels of support in different areas of their lives. 

One-on-one home care can help seniors receive the right type and amount of care to meet their individual needs, and it can also help to improve their quality of life. 

By providing seniors with personalised care in their own home, caregivers can help them maintain their independence and dignity, and allow them to continue living happy and fulfilling lives as they age.

For seniors who want to retire at home, the Australian government offers Home Care Packages Program that supports older people with complex care needs to live independently in their own homes. 

3. Safer from contagious diseases

Covid-19 spread rapidly in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities because older adults and people with underlying health conditions are at a higher risk of severe illness from the virus. 

Additionally, many nursing homes have been inadequately equipped to prevent the spread of infection, and the close living quarters in these facilities can facilitate the rapid spread of the virus. 

Contagious diseases can also be spread by staff members who may be asymptomatic or who have not been properly trained in infection control measures. 

Ageing at home is a much safer option for elderly because it is easier to contain contact and social engagement will be limited. 


4. Comfort and security with family 

Ageing at home will allow seniors to receive care and support from people they know and trust, which can provide a sense of comfort and security. 

This option can provide seniors with the opportunity to continue participating in family activities and events, which can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. 

Remember, socialisation plays a big part of staying happy and healthy during retirement. 


5. Home Care reduce stress and anxiety 

Home Care allows seniors to keep their usual routines instead of going through big changes such as following meal times and having to deal with unfamiliar people. 

Making significant adjustments while transitioning into retirement can be quite stressful and frustrating. 

Seniors who opt to age in place usually just need to improve their home such as renovating the place to make it more ‘retirement-friendly’ or hiring caregivers or home companions to continue their usual routines. 


How a Reverse Mortgage Can Help with In-Home Care

A reverse mortgage loan through Seniors First can help you unlock your home equity so you can access cash to renovate your home for ease of living, mobility, comfort or street appeal. 

By refinancing a Reverse Mortgage, you can retire stress-free whilst also benefiting from increases in the value and the longevity of the property.

Home renovations can further provide peace of mind for seniors who can be more prone to injury. 

Common improvements involve installing handrails, fixing uneven floorboards and bathroom or kitchen safety modifications. 

A Reverse Mortgage can additionally provide you with funds for minor home repairs such as smoke alarms installation, securing cords and fall prevention etc.

For more information, please call 1300 745 745 or CLICK HERE to check your eligibility. 

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult a licensed financial advisor before you make any decision. 


  • We appreciate your comment that providing seniors with individualized home care can assist them in obtaining the proper kind and quantity of care to match their unique requirements and can also enhance their quality of life. When my grandfather is at home alone, he needs someone to look after him. I'll get the home care packages for him.

    • Hi Iris,

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      Have a great day.

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