Home Care Funding: How Reverse Mortgage Helps you stay at home, longer

By Darren Moffatt

August 28, 2024


Let’s have a heart-to-heart about something we all need to think about as we get older—planning for long-term care. It’s not the most fun topic, but it’s crucial. And when you throw in the possibility of using a Reverse Mortgage to help protect your health and your home, it’s worth taking a closer look.

Why Long-Term Care Matters

First off, long-term care is just what it sounds like—help that’s there when we need it, whether it’s due to ageing, illness, or just the natural course of life. This care could be as simple as having someone help with daily tasks like bathing and dressing, or as complex as medical care in a nursing facility.

Ageing in place is a strong preference for many Australians. Recent research by The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) reveals that between 78 and 81 per cent of Australian seniors want to live in their own home as they age. This preference is driven by the desire to maintain independence, comfort, and connection to the community.

However, the financial aspect of ageing in place can be challenging. The cost of in-home care, which can range from $50 to $100 per hour, adds up quickly, especially for those requiring more extensive care. Additionally, the average annual cost of residential care in Australia can exceed $100,000​. 

But here’s where things get interesting: if you own your home, a Reverse Mortgage might be a way to tap into that value without having to sell up and move out.

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How a Reverse Mortgage Could Help

So, what exactly is a Reverse Mortgage? It’s a type of loan that lets homeowners aged 60 or older borrow against the equity in their home. The best part? You don’t have to make monthly repayments. The loan is repaid when you sell your home, move into permanent care, or pass away. Here’s how it could help:

1. Keeping you in the house, with Home Care 

A lot of us want to stay in our own homes as we age. It’s where we’re comfortable, surrounded by memories and familiar things. A Reverse Mortgage can help you pay for in-home care, allowing you to stay put. This can include anything from help with daily activities to more intensive medical care, all in the comfort of your own home.

In-home care can range from assistance with daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, to more intensive medical care tailored to your specific health needs. Australia’s home care system offers several types of Home Care Packages, each designed to cater to different levels of care requirements:

  • Level 1 – Basic Care Needs: This package is ideal for those who need just a little help around the house. It covers basic services like cleaning, shopping, and minor home maintenance.
  • Level 2 – Low-Level Care Needs: This level provides more support, including assistance with personal care (like dressing and grooming), meal preparation, and some nursing support.
  • Level 3 – Intermediate Care Needs: Suitable for those who need moderate levels of care, this package includes all the services from Levels 1 and 2, plus more intensive support such as regular nursing care, help with medication management, and more comprehensive personal care.
  • Level 4 – High-Level Care Needs: This is the most comprehensive package, offering high-level care for those with more complex health needs. It includes extensive nursing care, support with daily activities, and the management of chronic health conditions.

These packages are designed to help you stay in your home, receiving the care you need in a familiar environment. Staying at home isn’t just about convenience; it’s about maintaining control over your life and surroundings, which is crucial for both mental and emotional well-being.

A Reverse Mortgage can provide the financial flexibility to afford these home care services, ensuring that your home remains your haven as you navigate the challenges of ageing.


2. Covering Unexpected Costs

We all know that life can throw curveballs, especially when it comes to health. Whether it’s an unexpected medical bill or the need to modify your home to make it safer and more accessible, those costs can add up. A Reverse Mortgage gives you a financial buffer, so you’re not constantly worrying about how to pay for these things.

It’s like having a safety net, giving you peace of mind so you can focus on what really matters—staying healthy and enjoying life.

3. Keeping you in the house, with private in-home care 

Private in-home care in Australia allows individuals to pay out-of-pocket for services that are tailored to their specific needs. This contrasts with government-funded care, such as Home Care Packages, which are subsidised and require eligibility assessments like the ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) evaluation.

The flexibility of private care is one of its main distinctions. Unlike government-funded care, where services and hours are predetermined and may require waiting periods, private care allows you to start, stop, and modify the services as needed. This makes it an ideal option for those waiting for a Home Care Package or for those who need additional care beyond what their government package covers.

Here’s a table summarising the pros and cons of private in-home care in Australia:

Aspect Pros Cons
Personalised Care Offers one-on-one, highly personalised care tailored to individual needs. Can be costly, especially for long-term care.
Flexibility Provides flexibility to start, stop, and adjust services as needed. Requires out-of-pocket payment, with no financial aid.
Administrative Ease No need for means testing or ACAT assessments. Family members may need to manage and coordinate care.
Availability Care can be arranged quickly, without waiting periods. Potentially burdensome resource management for complex needs.

In summary, private in-home care offers a flexible, personalised option for those who can afford it, providing high levels of care and convenience. However, the associated costs and lack of financial support are important considerations when deciding whether this is the right option for you or your loved one.

4. Delaying the Need for Nursing Homes

For many of us, the idea of moving into a nursing home isn’t appealing. With the funds from a Reverse Mortgage, you might be able to afford more intensive care at home, delaying—or even avoiding—the need to move into a care facility. This means more time in the place you love, on your terms.

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

Now, a Reverse Mortgage isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to consider a few things:

  • What About Your Estate? When the loan is repaid, it’s typically from the sale of your home. This means there might be less to leave to your loved ones. It’s a good idea to talk this over with your family to make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Interest and Fees: Like any loan, a Reverse Mortgage comes with interest, and the amount you owe will grow over time. There are also fees to consider. You’ll want to weigh these costs against the benefits.
  • Is Your Home Eligible? Not every home qualifies for a Reverse Mortgage. The property needs to be your primary residence, and it must meet certain standards. Lenders will look at the condition of your home and its location to make sure it’s a sound investment.
  • Explore Your Options: Before jumping into a Reverse Mortgage, it’s worth looking at other options. Downsizing, accessing other savings, or exploring government assistance programs might also be worth considering.

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Deciding whether to take out a Reverse Mortgage is a big decision, but it’s one that could provide the financial security you need to live your later years comfortably. It’s all about making sure you have the resources to stay healthy and happy in the place you call home.

If you’re considering a Reverse Mortgage, talk to a financial advisor who can help you understand all the ins and outs. They can help you decide if it’s the right move for your situation.

Planning for long-term care isn’t easy, but with the right tools and advice, you can make decisions that protect both your health and your home, allowing you to enjoy the years ahead with confidence.

Want to learn more about Reverse Mortgage? Download your FREE Reverse Mortgage GUIDE

Ready to Apply? You can now check your eligibility online or call Seniors First on 1300 745 745. 

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult a licensed financial advisor before you make any decision.


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